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Pedagogy to Forging the Liminal

Forging the Liminal space requires us to reconsider and challenge our current thinking. To do this we need new information, and others to query our concepts, and self-reflection.

The following video can assist your own teaching in tips on how to forge the liminal through critical thinking.


5 tips to improve your critical thinking

You can also use the consolidating activity on TEDTalks, or make your own.

To start your journey through critical thinking, watch this video about child marriage, collect new information, reflect, and discuss collectively in Y.OUR FORUM

Apply your new knowledge:

From here you can use your knowledge with your class to critically analyse:

  • novels, such as Bridge to Terabithia

  • news and media

  • a global or local problem and look for solutions


Two most important points to consider when forging the liminal:


  • Source diverse information; information that not only supports your previous thinking, but broadens or opposes it. Search within information for absent actors; e.g. people's opinions not given within the information, and then seek what their opinions are. Search for latent messages; messages that are not obvious, but are embedded in the message.


  • Encourage your students to continue on through feelings of vulnerability caused by not knowing. This is normal for the liminal space. Reassure them that with continued critical thinking and reflection, transformation of thought will emerge. (Land,2016)


Land, R., Meyer, J. H. F., & Flanagan, M. T. (2016). Threshold Concepts in Practice.

Retrieved from


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