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On October 9th, 2012 Malala Yousafzai had been shot. Her life as a school girl, supported by her father Ziauddin Yousafzai, had swiftly been attacked. While she was removed to safety and courageously fought to live, her regular life in her hometown of Swat Valley would soon become a memory.

Malala's tragedy struck a chord with so many. While numerous atrocities had strewn media before, this particular girl - Malala - seemed to bring solidarity for her to live.

Her life to come would build character that was forged through this hardship and the support of family and the world. Malala would soon become a well known figure in the struggle for peace, laying foundations for Girls' Education at its core.

So how did Malala rise from such an event, and enable such a change towards peace?

In a recent search into education, I have explored 'spaces' which students and teachers operate within:

* the Classroom and School

* the e-Space

* the Group Learning Space

* beyond the Classroom

* the Liminal

(If you wish to explore these spaces yourself please watch the video or download the pdf.)

Malala was and is informed, supported, personable, and connected.

1. The classroom space that her father, Ziauddin advocated and developed, for her and her school friends, supported an education for all students.

2. In her book, 'I am Malala', she describes how she used electronic space social media (with a pseudonym) to connect to people and advocate for girls to be included in education.

3. The LIMINAL was frequently forged. Malala was able to reach the hearts and minds of so many through thought provoking speeches. Her personable connections from reasonable requests, responding to unreasonable situations, leave many pondering answers to world issues, and prompt responses of significant change.

4. Personal Learning Networks were and are highly functional. Before Malala had begun connecting outside of Swat Valley, her father and herself attended meetings and advocated through media for Girls' education. Both the physical and e-Space connections grew and became a functional network for herself and for others.

I admire Malala for her courage. I also uphold those that surrounded her with support. Taking note of their pragmatic steps, we acknowledge spaces that are attributed to the success of their aim, and pose whether these might be achievable foci for all across the globe in forging peace.

He Named Me Malala Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Documentary HD

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